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For the designer in all of us

clock imagelanetern gears spur gearpendulum

line decor
line decor


Common Questions and Answers:


1) Are the gears correctly modeled involutes.

--Yes, all gears are created using proper mathmatical models of the tooth forms involved.

2) What outputs can I get for my gears?

-- It varies for each gear type. For example, Spur gears will output as DXF, Gcode - both 2d and 4th axis output, 3d DXF's, STL's and as paper printouts at 1:1 scale. Elliptical Gears will not put out as 4th axis Gcode, but will do 2d GCode. Each gear type may have limitations in its output as determined by that gear type. Timing pulleys for example cannot be done on a 4th axis for technical reasons in their tooth model relationships to tangental machining techniques.

3) I created a gear and it doesnt seem like a smooth curve?

-- There is a setting called "Point distance" which controls the output resolution of the gear. This is for various resons such as memory usage in its simulation and slowness in rendering. Useing a smaller "point distance" will result in higher resolution curvature.

4) How much will updates cost me?

-- Nothing. All updates are free and modules are added as they are developed, a simple redownload will get you any new modules and/or bug fixes as the program progresses.

5) I asked for 4th axis Gcode for my timing pulley and the file is empty.

-- Timing pulleys cannot be put out as 4th axis. They are not appropriate for tangental shaving techniques.

6) Can I join the forum without purchase of the software.

-- Yes, simply send us an email asking for a username, in order to keep spam down we simply ask that you request access to the forum.

7) Other software that create gears seem to be more expensive, why is GM's pricing lower?

-- GM is targeted at the hobbiest. Its price reflects a community not the software itself. As with Mach3, our intention is to allow anyone to generate gears and mechanisms inexpensively and help to grow the base of people who will make gears and experiment with various contraptions.

8) Can I make a clock ( wooden or otherwise ) from GM?

-- Yes, but design of a clock is more than just drawing the gears and simulating motion. Watch the video's available, more are in the works to aid you in gaining the knowledge of what to consider if you wish to build clocks sucessfully. The clock project included with GM is a tested and functioning clock, and we're happy to share the experience to ensure you can build something youll be proud to show off.

9) Can I request a special gear or gadget?

-- Yes, we welcome any suggestions, no promises will be made as to its development, but all suggestions are considered for addition.


Should you have any further questions, please check out the GearHeads forum or contact us at Support@Gearotic.com