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Hair Spring on a ticker

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:37 am
by John T
Hi Art
I've been thinking of working a Hair Spring into your ticker design.

Well my "hair springs" have just arrived.  I don't know what size will workout it won't be a normal clock hairspring as they are much too small.  I'm going to try one or more of these guys - the smallest is 1/8" by 0.009 clock spring - which is my best guess as a starter.

Do you have any experience using hair springs?


Re: Hair Spring on a ticker

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:20 am
by ArtF

  I dont. BUT I have been wanting to. I have been making drawings of a hairspring mechanism to run a plantstand.. As I m working
on several fronts at once youll likely beat me to it, so Id be very interested in your observations. Let us know how the wheel reacts, how big it is and the period and such..  I suspect Ill be in that situation before next development season..
