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Re: Expanding Gcode in Auggie

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2018 2:12 am
by ArtF

  The way it works is that Auggie KNOWS some commands as being core commands, G0,G1,G2,G3,G4 and
many others, but any command not hardwired in generates a script call. For example if you try to do a
G72, it will call G72() as a script call. Which means if the user has a  "global G72() { }" script in their
library, that script will be called. Its the same with M codes, Flood mist and such all are scripted in
the library as those M codes are recognized, but an M192 would then look for a script called
M192() and if not found, its simply ignored. Auggie basically recognizes motion and some
state cannons and little else. What it doesnt recognize it looks to the library to explain.

  While Auggie actually does have threading and probing code in it, Ive never added interface
capability to do so. From Mach3 I know only 1 in a thousand use probing in CNC, and fewer than
that use threading. As M3 and M4 are still on the market and use a number of interfaces, it doesnt
seem to make sense to add them to Auggie. Auggie can be run by the same person who runs M3
or M4 after all as the pokeys works on all three programs.

  You have to keep in mind that Auggie took one year to write, was written specifically to give me
a 6th order motion queue, laser power control during motion and C script in the code capability that I think CNC had to head towards. Mach3 had 10 years of development, Mach4 is in about its 10th year of
development. Ive of the opinion that eventually the things Auggie does will become possible in
more mainstream programs that have the time and staff to develop them to a professional
level, as a free program Auggie hopefully sets the stage as a tech display of how it could
be done. I use it every week for laser work and would be lost without it, but my cnc router
still runs on Mach3, on a version from 10 years ago. So even I wont swap my router to Auggie,
but I wouldnt soil my laser with mach3 either.  :)



Re: Expanding Gcode in Auggie

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:38 am
by vmax549
Hi Art, So is there a LIST of gcodes that Auggie understands . OR is there a function that Auggie does when it doe NOT understand a Gcode. Something like the Gcode changes color IF it does not understand teh Gcode ?

I can test it but need to know what I am looking for that indicated that Auggie does not understand a Gcode Call.

Just looking for teh next great Gcode controller that I can work with.

(;-) TP

Re: Expanding Gcode in Auggie

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:41 am
by ArtF
lol, I doubt its your forte, its much more open to errors than
you appreciate. I dont think I published a list of commands other than on the forum
in the Auggiethreads. Its the basic set and lightly tested int he area of offset manipulations
and such as I typically use gcode generated for laser which is basic motion and little else.

  Ill make a note to compile a list of known codes to add to the install package.
In general, if it doesnt recognise a gCode, it will look for a script, and ignore
altogether if the script isnt found. Same with MCodes. Syntax errors will show
in the Gcode as an error on load.


Re: Expanding Gcode in Auggie

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:07 am
by vmax549
Hi Art as a test I did this. BUT it did run to all teh programmed positions in spite of teh fact that G135,G235 and G335 should not exist it ran those as a G0 move. It also changed teh G0 moves feedrate to as programed. So Auggie is probably not ready at this time to be used as a Gcode controller.

Thanks For the Time, (;-) TP

G0 X0 Y0 F10
G1 X10 Y10 F100
G0 X0 Y0 F10
G135 X-10 Y10 F100
G0 X0 Y0 F20
G235 X-10 Y-10 F10
G0 X0 Y0 F100
G335 X10 Y-10 F1
G0 X0 Y0 F200

Re: Expanding Gcode in Auggie

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:17 am
by ArtF
Terry ,

Pretty much as expected. The stange G commands are not scripted, so are ignored. That means the rest of the line is a g0 move from the previous g0 command. The feedrate would change as requested, but the motion would be at g0 rate. In the context of what Auggie does, sounds like a perfect run to me. A feedrate change
can be requested on any line including a g0, and if you remove all the unknown codes you get

G0 X0 Y0 F10
G1 X10 Y10 F100
G0 X0 Y0 F10
    X-10 Y10 F100
G0 X0 Y0 F20
    X-10 Y-10 F10
G0 X0 Y0 F100
    X10 Y-10 F1
G0 X0 Y0 F200

  If thats what it did, its designed purposely to do that. :)

  Its what I was explaining to you, Auggie allows me to do as I intend without faulting out from
unknown codes used in other controllers. Safeties dont exist in terms of what your looking for.

>>So Auggie is probably not ready at this time to be used as a Gcode controller.

  I use it every week, so its very usefull to me as a GCode controller, but we've had that conversation
before,lol, its a matter of context and desire. I suspect Mach3 and 4 will be pretty much the last of mainstream hobby cnc controllers for windows, programs now tend to the specific for whatever machine
one is running. Auggie will grow as I need it to, but things liek threading and such probably
arent in the cards for it. 


Re: Expanding Gcode in Auggie

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:21 pm
by vmax549
HI Art I was thinking that if it saw an unknown Gcode it should SKIP the line entirely. AS is it processes an unknown set of values and that can't be good ????

I was just stopping by to see where Auggie was in developement.

Just a thought, (;-) TP

Re: Expanding Gcode in Auggie

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:22 pm
by ArtF

  Its just the case of the user being expected to know his codes are scripted, else ignored. It aids
in the frustration when you load Gcode from another device and edit for an hour to remove illegal
GCodes, the result of ignoring bad codes actually works out better for me in use I find. Yes, it can lead
to bad errors if one is unaware, but the save of editing bad files actually overrides that consideration
for me in this case.
  All a matter of perspective.
