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something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:27 pm
by DanL
interesting idea would save trying to do it with win10 IOT ... everything

Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:36 am
by Mooselake
If you don't want to wait until March (and likely later, it's Kickstarter), and don't mind spending more money, you can order a larger version in an enclosure today.  Cheaper if you want to order direct from your favorite chinese supplier.

While not any good for playing the latest video game, these are pretty amazing little systems.  Lots more powerful than what we paid thousands of dollars for 20 or 30 years ago (and maybe 10 or 15 years).   I'm overbooked, but hope somebody tries one of these with Auggie.


Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:42 am
by ArtF

  Awesome, may have to try that myself when my laser is running, thats a very tiny system and looks
perfect for Auggie, I see no reason why it wouldnt work great..



Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:41 am
by Mooselake
I've been eyeing similar devices for a while as an inexpensive echolink (obscure ham radio thing) controller using the local repeater, one of the many moose hats is being an amateur radio emergency service net controller...

Some years back I tried to turn an Ebox-2300, essentially a 486 SOC, into a 19" photo viewer.  Along the way I learned about a number of linux distros, just how bad the Linux SIS drivers were, and finally went to the dark side and installed Windows 98 (much faster graphics), and almost ended up with a usable device.  Today's higher power mini systems would work great, but with an uncountable (if you don't care enough, anyway, but not as many as the count of visible LEDs in every room) number of network photo viewing devices scattered around the Manor connected to TVs it hasn't been worth pursuing.

If there isn't some fatal flaw that makes them unusable, one of these devices, a Pokeys, some motor drivers, a way to route the wireless out  of the enclosure, and a bit of duct tape could make a nice inside the box CNC device controller.  Add an hdmi monitor and trackpad/keyboard and you'd be ready to go.


Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:42 am
by ArtF

I agree, I think machines are going to have full systems in them as normal design very soon,
so writing a "Roll your own controller" app seems to make more sense all the time.. :)


Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:50 am
by DanL
hell yea I have some more junk to get rid of, if I can off loaded it (that's having wife for ya) I am going to get the one I posted or similar with a 7'' screen or bigger, I have my big router hooked up to a all in pc it runs M3 and M4 very well, so a smaller all in one should be fine for auggie then I only have one small box with everything in it, as long as what I get has wifi and runs on windows, I can have the router/3D printer/3D scanner, in the shed and have a webcam in there I can be inside where it is not cold in the winter

Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:27 pm
by Mooselake
Have you thought about a heater :)  Aren't you in New Zealand?  Woodstove?  Bigger, less efficient computer?  Or, with that large ovine population, a sheep dung burner?

I thought NZ was pretty warm (hope so, one of my daughters is applying for a Fulbright there, better climate than Iceland where she was a semi-finalist pre grad school ...).  


Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:34 pm
by DanL
-12 is the coldest it has ever been where I am, most nights -3 in the winter, during the summer it can get up to 35, we have more grapes than sheep now it was 5 sheep per person now it's 2, if she ends up in auckland it's a lot hotter up there.
I am in a wheelchair most of the time so I don't like cold.

Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:34 pm
by ArtF
I cant stand the cold myself.. and Im Canadian....


Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:14 am
by Mooselake
I didn't mind it when I was 30, but these days they're just making colder cold.

2:1 should still be enough natural sheep fuel :)  We raised sheep up until a few years ago, with well over 100 in the barn after lambing.  Never tried to heat with their byproduct, but even after putting a lot of it in the garden (Bobcat, not wheelbarrow) there's still a large pile out back.  I would have thought there'd be some enterprising person in NZ with a pellet mill going for the all natural recycling crowd...


Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:45 pm
by joemac05
ArtF wrote: I cant stand the cold myself.. and Im Canadian....

I'm Canadian as well and I don't notice it being cold up here.... Maybe it's because I live in Victoria.. <G> I think I'll go out and pick some flowers....

Re: something diffrent to run auggie on

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:02 pm
by ArtF
So now I have to add code so that Auggie knows WHERE it is as well, eh?
