auggie loss of comms

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Richard Cullin
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auggie loss of comms

Post by Richard Cullin »

i have noticed that auggie sometimes loses comms with the pokeys when my [1/6 hp] airbrush compresser cycles off some sort of noise spike i thought, i replaced the compressor pressure sw with a solidstate relay(zero point sw) this did not cure the issue. i guess the power factor is way off unity.
The pc is a laptop the pokeys connected by usb . There is no connection to the compressor at all and it need not even be in the same room.[its not only the compressor either other things switching on /off can have same effect]
The laptop does not connect to the power ground(double insulated.there is no obvious ground point), the laser and mill are both grounded.
When i'm using mach3 and pokeys this loss of comms has not occured to date [uses same cables]
my question, is auggie over sensitive about usb comms.
or what else can i try, i just hate it when jobs stop half way through
i have not tried ethernet connection, would it be better ?

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by ArtF »


  In the config setting there is a setting called network delay. Make sure its set to zero.
It is an active setting on both tcp operation as well as USB. If for some reason the
transmission algorithm senses too much time loss a disconnect can happen, though
I havent seen one since development. I use TCP for connection though.
  Is there any weird log error at the time, or does the reset simply trigger and resets
when you press it? Or do you have to go through a restart or re connection?

  Its not a normal problem, and shouldn't in theory happen. Strange that it happens
at time of power flicker or current spike. Ethernet is in theory quite a bit faster and has
a lesser chance of trouble as its not affected by the USB channels, which in theory could
get bogged down easier. Auggie presses its envelope quite hard and does a vast amount
more work per second than Mach3. (Mach4 may be similar, Im not sure. ). The nature
of 6th order and that planner makes it a bit more time consumptive, and the added load
of the scripting and display routines really are hard on it all. Ive always been surprised
at how much I get away with in there. that having been said, I have  never had a
disconnect in operation. I have had a couple crashes when converting too many photos
to augment files, but in operation Ive had no real trouble.

  Let me know if you see anything that makes you suspicious of a connection,but I
cant think of anything that may cause such a complete disconnect of the com

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by Richard Cullin »

Is there any weird log error at the time, or does the reset simply trigger and resets
not sure will check, i wil try the ethernet too
when you press it? Or do you have to go through a restart or re connection?
it happens even with auggie sitting idle, i get a connection lost type message and a dialog box that allows a reconnect
it always reconnects when retry selected but the state goes into emergency stop with appropriate sound effects.
condition occurs even when pokeys is powered by usb or external plugpak.  no other usb devices on laptop are affected

what happens with auggie when a packet is lost or corrupt ? retries ?

my theory{ ahem} is that the laptop is floating above ground and that the shield in the usb cable tries to reference the laptop to gnd
when there is a sufficiently good sized transient on the mains (utility ) power it introduces noise into the usb stream.
modern laptops have nothing easy to wire a ground point to , i have two laptops both do the same thing
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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by ArtF »

Does sound plausable. I use a desktop so it may be why I havent seen it. I have had trouble with usb power
though, and I did switch early on to external power as USB didnt have quite enough current. In theory with
external power, and the right grounding, the USB should have grounded the laptop though...

  Let me know if tcp also makes this happen. I may be able to add a diagnostic for you or
some way to find out what happened. It may be Auggie being delayed to the point it "thinks" its a disconnect,
and I can up that time limit...

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by Richard Cullin »

i have had it running for a hour so on in ethernet with no dropouts.

better still i wired an earth directly onto the pokeys ground pin and now everything seems happy
it was coming via the laser.  i will try this for a while ,my new laser won't have an ethernet option
and the pokeys57u has no external power option either so i need to sort this out.
[still waiting for cnc extender]
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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by ArtF »

Hi Richard:

  Let me know how it works out, I can up the tolerance on the dropout times before
Auggie calls it an error. Ill look into doing that as a precaution anyway.

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by ArtF »


Theres a few reasons a disconnect can be triggered, does the error say
"Disconnect on input"? Can you tell me the message as closely as you can?

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by Richard Cullin »

it ran all day with compressor cycling every 5 minutes , 1 dropout

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by Richard Cullin »

i did a bit more testing today with the  PoKeys57U and it looks like a noise spike can and is resetting the pokeys (laptop makes dah dong usb sound)
the PoKeys57U is not made for an external power supply . i will wait till i get the extender and see if can feed 5v into that .
if the pokeys is resetting auggie can't do much about that
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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by ArtF »


  You know, the only tiem I recall such a symptom is when the power supply for
the pokeys wasnt enough current for it. I recall that in a K40 machine, the pokeys
reset at odd times, turns out my 1 amp 5v supply wasnt near enough.

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by gburk »


I'm having a problem with the latest version of auggie posted..  i can't seem to make any movement, jogging doesn't move and also any commands entered in the mdi not working
g0 x1 nothing.. i want back to an older version 6.5 and all worked again..
The only message i get is get current com invalid. but not on every move attempt..

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by ArtF »


  Ill run some diagnostics here to see if I can see anything on the latest version.

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by gburk »


Thanks i did check the setting's and they are the same for the old version and new, doesn't seem like any configuration's setting's have changed

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by gburk »


Haven't herd anything were able to duplicate the issues i seem to be having with newest auggie version  ?.

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Re: auggie loss of comms

Post by ArtF »

Hi Gary:

  Sry for the delay, I think my last replay went missing.

I tested the current version by fresh install and then running several gcode programs, I couldn't find any issues.
Everything ran as expected. Are you still on the previous version?

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