reading Pokeys pins

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by gburk »

have you come up with a solution to read the pokeys pin 19?

I tried the code we were working on but still no go to read a probe hit..

thanks gary
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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »


Im not sure why pin 19 wont trigger as yet for you.

Have you set the probe as pin 19 in the config/planner area?
What then happens if you enter G31Z-10 when Z is zero?
Does it move?

Lets start there to see whats up..

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by gburk »

G31Z-10 works started at 0 and went to -10

but not sure on setting pin19

I looked in the auggie configuration but did not see where to set the pins

checked with the pokeys config program and pin 19 is set and does trigger when viewing with their pin monitor

I do have homing working ok with optic sensors and motors moving good

thanks gary
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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »


  In the config, the one where you set your steps/unit and such. select the
planner page. On that page is a setting for the probe pin selection. There is also
one to select if its a normally closed or open called "Probe Invert".

  Set that to pin 19 and see if a G31 responds differently. Try it with probe inverted true and false
the G31 should move in one setting, and not the other. If it seems to probe or not probe
properly, let me know what happens..

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by gburk »


Guess I should have put on my glasses found it..

set to pin 19 false g31 z-10 the dro moves to -10 but if I trigger the probe doesn't stop keeps running
set to pin 19 true and I get no dro moment stays at 0,,

I also tried to set metric to false but doesn't seem to set if I close the planer and go reopen it its back to true

thanks gary 
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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »

Hi Gary:

  If the probe wont run if inverted then the level is being remembered but
the initial true or false must be defaulting wrong. Ill fix that up and start checking why
your pins dont seem to register...

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »

Hi Gary:

  Turned out to be a lib out of date and a setting internally.
Ive now tested with a simulated probe (two wires :) ), and
verified the probing works. Ill try to have the fixed version
out tomorrow. Thanks for the tests, I appreciate it.

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »


  Forgot to mention, the incoming fix will also make the scripts work
and fix the blocking and such...

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by gburk »

did you happen to check why I can't change from metric to inch I set it to false and it always seems to revert back to true

I also got the test board for pokeys together today have been testing with mach4 mach3 and auggie
have set it up for the motors ribbon to screw and have the probe and optic homing on the board
worked with all except probe on auggie..

seeing you wrote mach3 have a question with probing. on mach4 I invert pin19 but on mach3 it has to be non inverted and in mach3 the probe led flashes all the time
but not in mach4 it still seems to trigger ok in mach3 just concerned I may get a false trigger 

thanks gary
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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »


>>why I can't change from metric to inch I set it to false

  Still working on that one, but it should be fixed by release as well.
Mach4 must use a different paradigm as probe normal.  I wasnt involved
so hard to sat. If the probe led flashes a lot, It sounds like mach3 is seeing
it as noisy.. not sure why.

  Ill try to have it out by late tomorrow with the appropriate fixes..


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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »


I managed to get it out earlier. Version 3.4 is now online for Auggie.

1) Fixes your metric true/false selection. (Due to a recent change, unintended consequences..)
2) Fixes the Probe and all IO from Motion Pokeys.
3) Fixes Script calls and blocks. 

Tested probing on pin19 with both inverted probe and standard probe.

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by gburk »


tested it out metric is working so is probing only problem I am seeing is when I enter a g31 z-10 is the screen dro seems to only display the z value in chuncks
first display will show 0.254 then no display till 0.508 forget exact value,  am I making sense the dro seems to pause and only display every move of .254 or so

the script I have running does print out a message that pin19 was hit every time I trigger the probe so its defiantly reading pin19 now
the script loads with the lib

do you think my script could be slowing things down messing up a steady dro screen update, because I'm checking status of pin19

thanks gary 
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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by gburk »


Sorry went back and turned off my script to read pin19 and the dro is displaying correct now and when I trigger probe it stops so seems to be working ok

so it looks like the script is taking up to much time and slowing things down

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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by gburk »

hooked up a motor now and seems with g31 move the is single stepping barely moving, way behind the dro distance.

if I enter a g0 move the motor moves normal revs up and spins good it seems like g31 isn't sending the correct steps or pulse's as the g0 at least that's
what it looks like to..

thanks gary 
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Re: reading Pokeys pins

Post by ArtF »


  Earlier ( 2 tests back ) you experienced this one..

>>Sorry went back and turned off my script to read pin19 and the dro is displayin g correct now and when I trigger probe it stops so seems to be working ok ,so it looks like the script is taking up to much time and slowing things down

  So at this point the DRO appeared to work OK.. It looks like the script may have been too busy..
You next got..

>>hooked up a motor now and seems with g31 move the is single stepping barely moving, way behind the dro distance.

  Does this mean the DRO still seems OK for speed, but the motor seems not to follow it? At least not at the right feedrate from the G31 move? Does it then move OK if followed with a G01Z10 or whatever?
  The DRO updates as the Pokeys sends new position information so Im not sure what could make the motor lag the DRO. Ill have to give this one some thought. Let me know the answer to question above and any other interesting test data you may have. Id be interested in knowing is the motor only lags in G31 but
other moves are fine. Did position get lost as it did the probe move, thinking it moves 30mm for example
when it only moved 5..?



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