Importing a stl file then after mod export it as a dxf

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Dan Mauch
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Importing a stl file then after mod export it as a dxf

Post by Dan Mauch »

I am having a problem when I load a stl gear and it shows up on screen with a square around it. Then when I try to select the gear and then export it as a dxf file all that shows up when I open my cad program and load the dxf file all I get is the square. How do I properly select just the gear. I can see it changes color but not sure which color is the selected one. Is there a tutorial that shows selecting a stl object and exporting it? I'm using ver 2.24

Dan Mauch
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Re: Importing a stl file then after mod export it as a dxf

Post by Dan Mauch »

Hmm any help on this problem would be appreciated.
Dan Mauch wrote: I am having a problem when I load a stl gear and it shows up on screen with a square around it. Then when I try to select the gear and then export it as a dxf file all that shows up when I open my cad program and load the dxf file all I get is the square. How do I properly select just the gear. I can see it changes color but not sure which color is the selected one. Is there a tutorial that shows selecting a stl object and exporting it? I'm using ver 2.24

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Re: Importing a stl file then after mod export it as a dxf

Post by ArtF »

Hi Dan:

Sorry for the delay, I didn't get notification on this topic.

An STL file is a collection of triangles, it has no data to export to a dxf. In the process of creating a stl,
dxf's may be used, but the end STL doesnt contain any vector data, just triangle data, so no DXF
export is possible. The Square is just my way of fooling Vexx to thinking it has a vector object, the square
contains all the triangle data for display.


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Re: Importing a stl file then after mod export it as a dxf

Post by Mooselake »

Slic3r can convert a stl file to a series of stacked svg files.  While it's really intended for some of the resin 3D printers perhaps it can solve your problem.  It's been used to create stacks of paper that can be glued into a 3D object so you should be able to get a vector outline of your gear and then convert it to dxf if you need to

Prusaslic3r can do the same, but for this use either of them should be just fine

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Re: Importing a stl file then after mod export it as a dxf

Post by ArtF »

I had forgotten but Gearotic has a slicing module in it as well that will put out
DXF slices.

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