Segment Images to Vectors

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Segment Images to Vectors

Post by BMeyers »

Hi Art.
Have (on and off) attempted to use the "Segment Images to Vectors" tool/button within Vexx.  Have been unsuccesful with the output - doesn't appear to be a vector or vectors I can select, nor output to dxf. Able to import a jpg (generally, there are some that don't appear to import but those seem to be jpgs I modified).  Able to create the "line drawing".  but cannot seem to select the lines - the selection tool appears but the drawing is not selected.  Looked around (cursory) thru the Vexx tutorial from the (new) website.  Didn't see the segment images button on display within the first frames of each of the 2 videos.  Didn't locate one among the many you've posted on youtube.

thanks in advance for your help and your work.
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Segment Images to Vectors

Post by BMeyers »

Never mind.  So simple.  Yet so obscure to me.  :-) Once I saved the file as a *.vexx, all was right in the world.
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Re: Segment Images to Vectors

Post by BobL »


Gearotic Motion
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