Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

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Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by BillM »


Is there an X-Y size limit when creating assets from STLs in particular from Fusion 360? I created two objects in Fusion 360, exported them as STLs and then created assets in Ticker. I then imported the created objects into Ticker.

Attached are jpgs of Objects created in Fusion and the same objects imported to Ticker as an asset. Note that the bar has been greatly shortened.

I can look at the STLs with Vexx and the raw sizes are correct. The bar length should be 400mm.

I've also attached a zip file named containing the STLs and created Assets.

I do have a work around for the problem by using a second import of the bar onto the body of the original bar, adjusting the Y posit to get the length I want and then fusing the two together.

(14.6 KiB) Downloaded 288 times
Fusion360 Objects.jpg
Assets Imported Into Ticker.jpg
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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bill:

Sizes should be exact really. Ill take a look and see why something might vary..
In the menu "options" from the ICON at top right,. you can set the worktable size,
but other than that I dont masasge any sizes, I simply import triangles.

Ill let you know what I find

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bill:

Version 1.11b is uploading as I write this.
Turns out I must have been killing a gremlin one day and added a strange logic that if an asset was larger than
300mm in any dimension, it was halved in size. This is likely a debugging hangover. Thank you for finding it.
It is repaired. I am looking into still the newtons cradle problem, I see a few things but still have more to do.

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by BillM »


I've installed v1.11B. Still having the same problem.. The 400mm rod is still being shortened. I also always double check on the pulley belt issue, just in case a change may have solved that problem but it didn't.

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by ArtF »


I must have screwed up the fix.. it was so obvious I didnt go beyond checking the incoming size text telling me it was now 400mm.
Ill fix that up..

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bill:

I think I got it this time... new version uploading now.

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by BillM »


I'm a bit confused. Downloaded & installed Gearotics.msi. Ticker still shows version 1.11B. Thought perhaps the version number hadn't got updated but then I had the same shortening of the 400mm rod.

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by ArtF »


Ever had one of those days... I suspect the file upload failed. I just tested as a download, all is well, try v1.12b online now.

Sorry for the error.
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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by BillM »


I've had those kind of days myself. Especially if I try to change or update programs after a long day.

I've loaded 1.12B. Asset insert of the 400mm rod still gets truncated. I'll probably go with the work around that I mentioned a few replies ago.

I do have a curious problem. My Intel IRISx Max sometimes crashes Windows 10 with an error of VIDEO_TDS_FAILURE. I've been running Fusion 360 in the background while I've been running Ticker. I'll see if I have time to isolate the problem. Do you want me to start a separate topic on this topi? I may be the only user that's run into this

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bill:

Now thats odd. Im created an asset from the 400mm bar, and it now imports as a proper 400mm bar here. All previous ones truncated, but 1.112 doesnt , at least here. Ill see if I can figure out why this might happen.

As to the error, Ill keep my eyes posted, but it seems a GPU error related to the
\missing belt issue I suspect. This may resolve over time as I narrow in on what
may cause such a thing..

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by BillM »


You mentioned that you created the asset (I assume you used my STL for the bar). If so, perhaps the error is in the creation of the asset. I position the pivot at the top of the bar to (0,0).

When I get a chance I'll try recreating the bar asset with and without repositioning. And then importing the assets.

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by BillM »


My bad. I assumed the truncation was happening during the import of the asset. I had been using the asset that I originally detected the problem.

I just recreated the asset using version 1.12b and the bar is no longer truncated upon import.

Sorry about my misconception of where the problem origninated.

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Re: Asset Creation Inserting STLs from Fusion 360

Post by ArtF »


My bad. :) , thanks for confirmation.

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