Possible bug in mtass assets with a horizontl shaft

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Possible bug in mtass assets with a horizontl shaft

Post by BillM »


I noticed when importing the distribution's CrownVergeEscapement mtass file that when "Z" is adjusted only the crown gear moves which breaks the relationship between the pallets and the crown gear. I suspect that this might be due to the horizontal pallet shaft where there is no physical connection between the crown gear and the pallet shaft.

This disconnect does not happen with a bevel gear based mtass file. The right angle gears move as a pair when adjusting "z".

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Re: Possible bug in mtass assets with a horizontl shaft

Post by ArtF »

Already noted on my list. The problem as you saw is that the two items are not connected so the connection search fails.
Im, looking into a way to make that GUI item better..

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