Wild unreliable behavior

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Wild unreliable behavior

Post by hermescap »

I've been trying to work within this UI. I find it strange that some settings for a gear are in Properties, others are in a completely different part of the screen called Decorations, and others are in Tools, and none of them seem to talk to each other. For example, I created a gear, decided the shaft diameter was not what I wanted, _very carefully_ clicked on the gear, which is a very weird process, changed the shaft diameter, and - nothing. I clicked off of the shaft diameter field - nothing. I clicked to another gear _IT_ is now at the shaft diameter. WHAT??? Also, now instead of every gear and shaft being copper, one is blue plastic, one is red, and a third is green. WHAT??? how can that happen? I wanted to change the rack fillet so that I could have a more round bottom to make routing easier, one time I went in and made the change and it showed it to me right away. Now, and every time after, I make the change, and it never gets updated, so I can never change the rack fillet ever after creating a gear. Also, in my project, I have 3 gears, hopefully eventually 5, and when I go into Tools, I only ever see 2. WHICH TWO? Also, I created these gears a year ago, and the spokes on the gears (Straight?) where these pretty spokes with fillets on each end of the spoke, now they're - well - straight, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I just miss the better looking ones.

It seems to me that when I created this exact same set of five gears over a year ago, it was much easier.
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Re: Wild unreliable behavior

Post by ArtF »

Hi Hermes:

It may be the older project is having a bit of trouble with the newer code bases. ( Though Gearotic's code hasn't changed other than a few bug fixes in almost 3 years.).
It is recommended to press regen after any changes on the design screen. Once designed and created, a gear cannot be
changed in so far as root types and such. While some buttons such as Spoke enable will regen on their own, many other edit boxes wont and regen must be pressed. I suspect your selecting gears on the project screen and trying to change them, it cannot be done,
you'd have to delete the gear and recreate it as you need it. Once created, I'm afraid they are locked.

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Re: Wild unreliable behavior

Post by BobL »


Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated.

You are correct to pin point some less than optimum issues within Gearotic CAD, why we say once a gear as been designed and created, it shouldn't be modified or changed without deleting it first, for root types and such, and make sure to hit regen to initiate changes. This phenomenon was revealed years ago, just hoping the new ticker module can help in that category moving forward. We could also rebuttal to why items are where they are, this is also something we discussed while in development stages a few years ago.

Again thanks for the feedback.

Gearotic Motion
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