Dedicated clock building section ?

For suggestions for future additions
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David Morrow
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Dedicated clock building section ?

Post by David Morrow »

There are only two wooden clock forums that I'm aware of :

1 - Wooden Timers has a forum dedicated to building their designs only. It's quite good and there are some good technical building discussions. I think it is a good model for such a forum in that there are sections for each of the various clock models and sections for building tips and issues. But moderation seems to be hit or miss and the whole forum can be pretty much dormant for long periods of time.

2 - Beall Clock forum is not bad but is regularly hacked and the usually spammy messages are left with little to zero moderator attempt to clean it up. It can also be quiet.

3 - Clayton Boyer and Brian Law seem to be the most prolific designers but neither have forums.

Gearotic seems to be geared to ( yes, pun intended ) clock designers / builders to a large extent. And since it seems to be pretty much agnostic to designers and their commercially available plans, this forum seems like a natural place, neutral ground if you will, to centralize what seems to be a relatively small but scattered community.

So, Art, would you consider creating a section for the clock builders ? I would envision that there would be a section for each designer and sub-sections for each of their designs. Also a main section for general building tips, tricks, and problem solving.

From a commercial perspective, I'm not sure if this is more trouble than it's worth for Gearotic - that's strictly your call and I wouldn't pretend to advise on the pro's and con's for you.

Anyway, that's something that I've put a lot of thought into for a long time and thought I'd get it out there for discussion.
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Re: Dedicated clock building section ?

Post by ArtF »

Hello David:

  Certainly, I have no troubles with that. I will be looking into upgrading our forum
to a new one if I can, it may handle things better, but I have no problem with
adding any sections that help anyone..

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