Non-Circular Cage Gears

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Non-Circular Cage Gears

Post by MBrez »


Are Non-Circular Cage Gears possible?  If so, please consider as a suggestion for the future, I got this crazy idea I've been noodling.

Mark Brzeszkiewicz
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Re: Non-Circular Cage Gears

Post by ArtF »

Hi Mark:

  Gearotic wont make them but their possible Id think. The cage is easy,
just mount a pin on each tooth position. But the changing pressure angle
may make the mates cycloidic teeth look strange. I think youd need to do
a digitial rotation subtraction to see what the end shapes look like, but
I imagine youd get what looks like a normal cage gear and mate but with
slightly distorted pinion much would depend on the elliptical
coefficient. Pressure angles on that tooth shape probably dont make much
difference though, so I wouldnt think the distortion would be much..

  Ill have to think about what that would look like..


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Re: Non-Circular Cage Gears

Post by MBrez »

Hello Art,

Thanks for your thoughts and any possible update.

I'm looking to do some crazy things.  BTW - I'm currently working on a project within Gearotic and have a 151 elliptical Gear-Train.  I'm amazed on how your software is able to simulate all 150+ gears at once, truly amazing.

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Re: Non-Circular Cage Gears

Post by ArtF »

Hi Mark:

  Glad to hear your having fun...

  Take care of the friction and pressure angle elements involved. You wouldnt be the first to
assume that Gearotics simulation of a large number of gears in a train would
be easy to rotate. :) , I once made one of about 6 ellipticals, but when the pressure
angles at the high end add together the power to rotate is very high.

  The pressure angle effect in ellipticals are not only additive, but ratio'ed so
that if a high pressure angle at a particular rotational position produces a
drag that takes higher torque to turn it, that torque requirment is amplified
by the ratio's all the way back to the powered gear. Not too bad in smaller
elleiptical coefficients, but highly elliptical gears can take alot of toque to
turn in a train.

(Just figured Id mention that just in case you get too many ellipticals
in a line. :) , I dont imagine you want to have to use an 8 cylinder engine to
drive them.  )



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Re: Non-Circular Cage Gears

Post by MBrez »


While I was creating my Gearoscope I actually found the opposite.  With some nice bearings and a gear-train of 20 elliptical's, this sucker spun like a top when it wasn't mounted to its drive mechanism.

Enjoy ...............

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Re: Non-Circular Cage Gears

Post by ArtF »

lol.. awesome use. 

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