Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

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Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by ArtF »

Hi All:

  I'm getting closer to a release of TickerAlpha2. There is a test version you may try
if you wish at :


(Remove the spaces to make that a link.. )

1)  Ticker has had many fixes to the integrity of bolt manifolds to ensure watertightness.
2) Addition of Spurs
3) Addition of Helicals
4) Addition of Bevels
5) Addition of WormGears.

  Ticker will find your Gearotic License if you have one and allow export of the gear types,
but as they normally belong to Gearotic, it requires a license to do output on gear types.

  These gears, bevels, worms and such all have tighter meshing and closed manifolds as
opposed to the ones from Gearotic. You cannot yet spoke them, but things such as collars
are much more configurable and a proper meshed part of the rest of the gear.

You may note references to Physics, but you can ignore those for now, the program as it stands though
is very handy for solid gear models quickly made to spec.

This is a test of compatibility. There is a logfile in the root folder after a run to show me where
perhaps the program is failing should it not run on your machine. If you try this version, please
let me know if you run into trouble. Its use for the most part should be self explanatory if I've done
my job properly.


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Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by BMeyers »

Embarrased to write i was unable to retreive the file (after removing 2 spaces from the URL i copied from your message).  "Not Found [CFN #0005]"
2021-05-11 Update: thanks for the alternative method.  Downloaded.
Last edited by BMeyers on Tue May 11, 2021 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by ArtF »


Sorry about that, awkward way yo do it really... I get it with a simple without http prefix, but browsers will vary.

Hessel Oosten
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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by Hessel Oosten »

No problems at all here, after removing the spaces.

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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by tweakie »

Excellent work & project Art. Do you ever get time to sleep ?

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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by BobL »

Thanks Art. Great job
Gearotic Motion
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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by ArtF »

Hi everyone.

  Id like to apologize for delays in answering queries this past couple weeks. I
am just now back and recovering from emergency surgery . My thanks to Bob,
who I know answered your questions directed to the forum during my absence,
and for those who had made queries directly to me, I will be responding soon.

  Ill be a bit slow over the next couple of weeks, but will be at full power within a
month or two. Tickers test reports are good, so a few more tweaks and it will
be ready for a video and a release. Hope your summer prospects are looking
good and life is at least beginning to look a bit more normal.


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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by tweakie »

Have a speedy recovery my friend.

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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by Jerrywi »

Glad to have you back. Wishing you a fast recovery and continued health.
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Re: Alpha test release of Ticker Alpha2

Post by John T »

Hi Art
Best wishes - take care of yourself and get lots of rest.
1% inspiration 99% try, try again
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