Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board

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Re: Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board

Post by ArtF »


>>And yes, I expect you won?t dare to put this up on the site for long

  Actually, I'll probably leave it up as an example of what to do if your angry for whatever reason around here.  I pretty much answer every letter I get, and when the answer doesnt contain what a person needs I expect them to be part of a conversation to get them to where they need to be. Im really am sorry though that you think I was trying to make you look stupid, nothing could be further from the case.

    Im usually accused more of answering too much than too little. Doc, people come in
all kinds of experience levels with all kinds of technologies. Its impossible to tell from
a question as to what level of help a person wants. Ive had people ask a single question and
no responce till they ask a question about a working system, to those that ask questions
for months on all sorts of topics. If you have a general question about how something works
youll generally get an answer thats more general in nature. If specific, youll typically
get a specific answer or at least the best advice we here can give.

  I wouldnt begin to give advice on getting something to Australia for example, as I live in
Canada and have no such knowledge. Im unaware if shipping is easier from the USA or Europe. I have no stake in PoKeys, I simply develop a program that uses one.

>>Sorry but I don?t see anything about needing to buy stepper drivers in there.

  It wasnt there specifically, but if asked the question anyone, including myself, would
have made it clear. Its a fair point that to a person who has never done such a conversion
the knowledge a stepper driver would be required wouldnt be known, but to the majority
of people that attempt such a thing a general knowledge of cnc and motors is usually a
given. It isnt needed, but its usually assumed in a case where someone is brave enough
to rewire a laser. Some lasers, for example, have stepper drivers already bolted in their cases, others have their drivers on the control boards in which case they need to be replaced with new ones.
>>Or the unanswered question that I asked about importing a picture of an escapement?

  This question was answered as I recall, but Ill have to look back, I do a lot of email corespondance. I may have committed the sin of hitting reply rather than a web link to the
question, in such cases an answer can be lost, but I never mind getting a followup or a letter
from a person asking for a better responce, or a notification that they never got one.

  Im not sure if you anger is one born of exasperation with what your facing to do an upgrade,
or the lack of responce you feel you've had. Email and forums can be the worst form of communication, Ive been doing this for almost 20 years and answered tens of thousands
of support questions for Mach3 and Gearotic. Sometimes, they get taken wrongly, it can be cultural, or language, or even just due to exasperation or false image of responce.

  I take no offense, I never do from email, lessons long learned. If you wish to complete a
K40 moficiation to variable power engraving with auggie, send me a letter off this forum at ,Im happy to help down to any specific level you wish.

You may want to start a conversation more detailed so you know exactly what you need to do. A stepper driver isnt an expensive thing these days, its goes along with the detrius of connectors, wiring harnesses and all the little things one needs to do to modify something like a K40. Stepper drivers are pretty easy things to get to Australia.

  When on any forum you dont get a responce, dont let it fester , ask again, or be more specific, as I say, we're usually happy to get right down to what color wire should go
where if we can.

>>some bloke on the wrong side of the world trying to score points off me and make himself look big and smart and me small and stupid.

  Absolutely none of this is about smart or dumb, big or large, when it comes to playing with lasers of any type there isnt a lot of information out there.  I might mention that it would be kinda unimportant if half the planet went around thinking an unknown person named "doc" in australia wasnt aware of the esoterics of motor drivers in a laser, let alone the few who visit here. Hardly a case of laughing at a rube.  Auggie is a free program, I offer it free for people at any level to experiment with and drive any type of machine that may come into their heads. I support it because those that use it appreciate it and because its a fun hobby. :) . 

  I suspect , Doc, we simply have crossed wires and a breakdown of communication, email me, tell me where you are in your project if youd like to continue, and what step youd like to do to get started, youve nothing to lose and may end up where you wanted to be all along.


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Re: Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board

Post by tweakie »

Hi Phil,

I started out on the CNC adventure trail some 10 or so years ago, knowing nothing about CNC, and Art has personally (via. the various forums) helped me out at every stage of the way.

I am not a particularly quick learner but I research everything, as fully as I can, before proceeding in any new direction and Auggie was no exception. I spent a good many hours, if not days, reading through this and other linked data / forums etc. before even considering the purchase of a 57CNC.

As I think we have all discovered CNC is not ?Plug?n?Play?, it can require the use of many skills and much knowledge that we don?t actually have. Forums, to a certain extent, can fill the knowledge gap and also educate us in the development of our skills but the required information is not always that easy for us to find. On this forum alone, Art has provided outstanding help and assistance to any that need it ? just asking a simple question usually brings far more information than is actually needed.

As for the proverbial ?Rabbit-Hole? - you are quite correct in that it is an expensive (or a least ?not without cost?) route which has been shown to you but you must remember that the decision to actually go down the rabbit-hole is yours and yours alone.

Personally, from my own experience here, I think that going with the 57CNC (and all the associated items that may be required) is the right decision for you to take and once you see for yourself the results that you can obtain using Auggie it will make it all worth while.

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Re: Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board


To add to the two posts above, if they can't help you I am sure that either myself or one of the other people on this or many other forums will help.
Ask specific questions if you can and if not ask questions anyway and we will all try to get you where you need to be going.
If you search the many forums for any one of our screen names you will see that we all have a history of helping out and NOT trying to make people look like fools. Since there is no way to read facial expressions or body language or facial expressions a lot of the meaning can get lost or misinterpreted.

Here is to another great day of sinking more time and money into my Favorite winter hobby! CNC

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Re: Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board

Post by ArtF »

Thanks Guys,

  I suspect he speaks from frustration, and we've all been there. Im betting we can
get his laser running if Doc's up for the challenge. I suggest first we get the X/Y stage
running in Auggie, then worry about the laser after, its only a pwm problem to get
running once the axis motors are good to go.

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Re: Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board


Sounds like a plan.

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Re: Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board

Post by BobL »

Couldn't agree with you more Art, it is always difficult to know the levels of knowledge from most questions, I too fall in that rut from time to time when attempting to answer questions. Anyhow, my suggestion to Doc is to take on this challenge to convert is K40 to work with Auggie, then see if he stills feels the same once its all done.

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Re: Help needed converting a 40w Chinese Laser with MS10105 board to cnc57 board

Post by BobbyW »

ArtF wrote: Thanks Guys,
  I suspect he speaks from frustration, and we've all been there. Im betting we can
get his laser running if Doc's up for the challenge.

I'm totaly agree with you @Art . Now i have free time and i start seriously to finish my laser , is better to read first all topics in forum , like that i can avoid unnecessary questions and... i can not stop myself to respond on that. About you , i send you some time ago one single email and some days later i receive the forum accession with all stuff and greetings. I didn't even buy a license to say " was a moral obligation for you " , was just because are nice  but i think i will buy one to support you work , you deserve it & thank you for that.
And about arrogance i think @Doc don't have a reference on that . As example , i buy pokeys57CNC and i did't know in that time , auggie can generate gcode for this interface (like i say my CNC knowledge is very limited) so searching on google, i look on one software LightBurn , i create a topic and i ask nice the owner ( If i buy a license you can made a support communication for pokeys57CNC ? Or let me a way to do myself. ) and he respond something like (we are so high now and we don't care on cheap interfaces) . After my response i got banned . Anyway , he piss me off after that and i made some research about his software , i don't use it , was just for my fun . And during my life i made some powerful friends and very skilled . I ask some of them about and i found alot of " nasty " things in his software (with some friends help) like open sources stolen , collecting some private data from you PC, stuffs like that. Whatever i was able to made a communication with pokeys57CNC and to extend my trial period to finish my research . After i discover Auggie was able to generate GCODE , i delete LightBurn and trow on my recycle .

At the end , like i say , @Doc don't have the reference of what's mean ignorance.
Some print screens below of my experience . :-\
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