My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 32.461% .... probably

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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to .... i dont know

Post by ArtF »


  Its probably just a system bug displaying it twice.

Are you trying to make a Gcode for the air assist or a button to
trigger an output?

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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to .... i dont know

Post by BobbyW »

Hi Art
Yes. That i try a button to trigger the secon relay , as laser power button do
, but i saw the library was already created , so i try to use it ,
but unfortunately without success .
Is not realy a big deal , but even is a fridge motor turned as compressor , he made some noise ,
and in time of "study " to turn off without move from my PC .Also i figure out , the air pressure
change total'y the final result , depend of material . I mount a regulator from " argon tig welder "
I'm not on my native home right now to made some real test's but i assume , if i use " argon " instead of air ,
cutting on wood will be better . I think ,
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to .... i dont know

Post by BobbyW »

ArtF wrote:
  Its probably just a system bug displaying it twice.

Hi Art
Yea , probably . Yesterday i found a annoing bug , than force you to close auggie only with
CTRL+shift+ESC and kill the process , otherwise you can't get away of that.
Also i try to reproduce the bug , and finaly i found how that was created ( focused on my work i forgot what i do to
get that bug, i spend half of hour to find the way to recreate the bug )
I don't know , to post here , or create a new topic with "Auggie bugs" ?
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by ArtF »


Post it under Auggie Bugs and Ill see if it can be fixed up. It is possible in Auggie to script yourself to
a death, it can be hard to stop some script situations where a script calls itself for example...

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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by BobbyW »

ArtF wrote: Bobby:

Post it under Auggie Bugs and Ill see if it can be fixed up. It is possible in Auggie to script yourself to
a death, it can be hard to stop some script situations where a script calls itself for example...

You talk about recursion script without exit condition ?
No , i didn't touch auggie scripts , yet , i need more to learn .
I will post the bug soon i will get home , i made some screenshot's about.
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by BobbyW »

Hello everyone
I have some " stupid " questions.  :-\
Of course are releated at AUGS module used for generated the code for engrave .
First of all english is not my native , i have double nationality of my parents , english is fourth language necesary to get it work,
so  i apologise for my gramma .
I figure out how to properly set my speed / power / for engrave , i modify totaly my source and all good, but.
I did't get some "basic" knowledge about AUGS module .

1: I calculated by size , on my photo , the pixel resolution , according with optimal shooting time ,speed and beam size
and on some picture after i generate the code auggie say me error and wont display after i load the code .
Exist some size limit , or just extension fault ? Many time i change from png to jpg and work , keeping resolution , but not all time
That confuse me a little

2: I think " StepOver " is represent the beam size , and is how much one axe will step to scale the image
That's correct ?

3: I don't get it what "ramp " does , i try different from 1 to 500 and , but i think is strict about image size , or not ?
I try to zoom after auggie generate , and i don't see to much difference , actualy i don't see at all on any value .

4: It is the picture showed in auggie panel after load the code , the real one loaded  from code ? Because i try different resolutions
and after zoom in i didn't seen any effect , is like the imagine remain at very poor resolution .

Thanks , I will put pictures soon i will get better .
And how Art advice me , i learn some standard GCODE command , and , yea , is more easy , after some time , is like you brain do it without think about
you just know what will happen .
Thanks for now
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bobby:

  Glad to hear your getting more experience.. Here are some thoughts..

>>>>1: I calculate d by size , on my photo , the pixel resolution , according with optimal shooting time ,speed and beam size
and on some picture after i generate the code auggie say me error and wont display after i load the code .
Exist some size limit , or just extension fault ? Many time i change from png to jpg and work , keeping resolutio n , but not all time
That confuse me a little

    You can in theory load any resolution image, though I have had memory problems with huge ones. You shouldnt have
to calculate any optimal timing for a photo, just the output size in mm or inches.. whatever you use. You do need
to make sure you change those two DRO's ( XSize and YSize) to make it do output. Some images may cause trouble,
the image importer may screw up on some image types as they can vary in specification.

>>2: I think " StepOver " is represent the beam size , and is how much one axe will step to scale the image
That's correct ?

  Not really.. though you can set it to the beam width, what it does is divide the Y dimension by that amount of passes
so each pass moves forward by "StepOver" amount. On some materials an overlap is good, on some youd want none.
As you lower the stepover, the cut time will increase. 

3: I don't get it what "ramp " does , i try different from 1 to 500 and , but i think is strict about image size , or not ?
I try to zoom after auggie generate , and i don't see to much differenc e , actualy i don't see at all on any value .

  Ramp sets how far away from the photo the X path starts and ends. It is good for quality to have the axis up to speed
on each pass before it starts to cut. So if Ramp is 1" , then it will start and end 1" before and after the photo. This ensures
a constant speed while photo engraving. In truth , Auggie will burn only when in the photo box so one could do spirals or
random lines and still burn the photo, so ramping is just a way of ensuring constant speed and power capability.

4: It is the picture showed in auggie panel after load the code , the real one loaded  from code ? Because i try different resolutio ns
and after zoom in i didn't seen any effect , is like the imagine remain at very poor resolutio n .

  The photo that is shown is the interpolated data from the image. It is what the GCode will see. If the end cut has a resolution
of 10 inches in the X direction , for example, but the photo has only  100 pixels in the X, the photo shown will look low resolution.

Hope this helps,

Thanks , I will put pictures soon i will get better .
And how Art advice me , i learn some standard GCODE command , and , yea , is more easy , after some time , is like you brain do it without think about
you just know what will happen .
Thanks for now
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by BobbyW »

ArtF wrote: Hi Bobby:

Hope this helps,
Hi Art , hello anyone
Of course helps , any advice is good in any way >
But now , realy , realy confuse me , i don't say is not good , i say just confuse me . So i explain .
The picture below was taken from other picture on paper , very old with very bad resolution . Because that count of course .
Soon , i modify my source with that DAC converter , everything is just fine , i can control the treshold between two levels
on any power level i want .
So , before to buy that chip , i try all setting blindly (no osciloscope here) and i notice , i can have full gray scale at 360Hz PWM sett
0.0027 in plan config . So , now i say to give a try , just for fun , and i saw a good result on paper , almost full scale .
Second thing , all photos now , i just apply a mask layer between 0-100 , grayscale , anyway i dont think pokeys will recognise 254 .
Now, the interesting thing was, i set to 360Hz, the last set remain in my memory and i start . I notice was good on that very very bad rez photo.
After , i set the power and speed to cut the photo , and in mistake i forgot to change the PWM to high at 5Khz .
Amazing , with 360 pulses , the cut was the same , BUT... the important thing , i dont see the burning sign where i cut . Is just WHITE.
I just can not explain that . I ususly set the power when i cut with 5KHz at limit to pass though playwood , just to avoid unnecesary power
and burning . But always the edges was black , normaly . And after with much less power , obviously we cant compare 5000 with 560 , i got very clean cut
the same and this time just no any sign of burn . I just was close to look behind because even smoke almost missing there and , on my mA-meter
the current did't pass 4 mA.
I think is something about the energy inside the tube , is released more agressive , in pulses and in good timing , is like is the time to wait the energy to gain
again inside. For that reason i will start a little study about laser . Because just i dont get it , but is very good
The smoke just missing . Not totaly but not like usualy , even on paper is noticeable on cutting

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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by ArtF »


  I too find the laser are non-linear in many ways. Also the materials are nonlinear in their responce
to IR radiation. So its really a matter of experience , speed and power. The PWM for RF lasers is
typically about 5Khz, which is why its the default, but its VERY possible that a HV power supply may
need lower or higher PWM.. I have no experience with that yet, just RF lasers ( Synrads).

  I have doen many 3d engravings with no burn marks at all in the wood, and many with terribhle
burn marks. I typically increase speed and power as much as I can as I find max power at the right
speed in wood leaves the least burn, it kinda evaporates the wood rather than burns it..

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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by BobbyW »

Hello everyone .
I notice something . As example you cut something and you get an error (my case after i grounded everything i get random error only on RJ45 cable) , the program will stop and Estop disengaged > still after you try to run , you need to activate M3 .
In that case you need to remember and go on that line or some below. It is possible to create a button to run M3 on one click ?
To don't change to MDI to run M3
Probably is ...
The second question , i've seen , Pokeys support some temperature sensors . Is possible to create a small display (with scripts) to
see the temperature of cooling liquid ? 
Also about that subject , i read some controversed opinion " what is better for cooling " , Most of the peoples say water is better ,
my opinion , so many engineer's study what is best for cooling and i think , only a professional guy will know the answer .
In any case , " as some peoples says based on home researches with limited knowledge  " water is better , i don't think that's right .
I put below what i use , " sry is in french but here everything is like that , even imported product's they change the label  :-\ "
The main reason i chose special product for cooling is " no oxidation and no froze "
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by ArtF »


  I cant speak to cooling, my lasers are air cooled, but when I did use water, I just added some car windshield antifreeze to it.

As to the m3, there is no button set, but it is possible to make a script button to activate an M3. Im just so used to clicking on MDI
where I have an M3 at the top, and I do a single line execute on it, then swap back to code screen, that I never got around to
adding a button to my screen. You only need to find a spot for a button, name it something like MyM3Caller, and then add a script
to your libraries called MyM3Caller(state) and in that script call a Engine.GCode("M3"); Add another to turn it off. I dont advise a
toggle button unless you wish to add some logic to figure out if the m3 is on or off before deciding to turn it off or on..

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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by BobbyW »

Hi everyone
After a lot of fails , i manage to get what is wrong on my laser power. Take it away the source problems
i notice , my laser is to powerful on minim power . How i figure out ? I explain.
I made a black square at 100x100mm and i start to engrave . During engrave i try to adjust manual the power ,
and i notice , i can get only 10% grey and after fine adjust jump instead to 100% (black) ;
So i start to find a solution , and better was to calsulate the speed travel , frequency of PWM and duration pulse
on that speed. Finaly i was impress myself , the good result start to arrive .
I put some photos below. I can engrave like that almost like multipass engrave at 1mm deep with very good result when
you don't look face to face to the picture.

Miramir polywood.jpg
alexa polywood 1.jpg
alexa polywood 2.jpg
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by tweakie »

Excellent work BobbyW - you have mastered the laser beast  ;)

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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by BobbyW »

tweakie wrote: Excellent work BobbyW - you have mastered the laser beast  ;)

Thanks Tweakie . To be honest you get a lot of credit for that , you say to me first about Pokeys , Auggie , Art and rest of
nice peoples here . I want to thanks everyone who give me an advice and correct me when i do mistakes.
Thanks to everyone . Anyway now become more seriously , i got more and more attracted by laser.
I want to build my own RF tube right now. I collect some information about those RF lasers and ... why not
what i can lose , some money , nahh knowledge arrive from try and mistakes .
I will start next month , now i'm block in France because of that " stupid and imaginary corrona virus"
i don't believe that anyway .
I will post the news here
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Re: My laser engraver from 0 knowledge to 11.362% .... probably

Post by ArtF »


  You have showed how much perserverance is important. Not giving up leads to the best results
and youve shown that very well. Nice work!. When I was developing Mach3, I had thousands of
blue screens of death before I finally managed to take over Windows to make a timer work my way.
  It took 6 months to prove to myself that I could do that when pretty much everyone said it
couldnt be done. Sometimes you have to go with faith in your abilities and just persevere. It
doesnt always pay off, but when it does it is very gratifying. Be gratified, your photos look as
professional as any Ive seen.

  Its been very nice watching your progress to the point where you've mastered both
Auggie and your laser. Im impressed.

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