Worm Gear and Wheel

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Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by dfmiller »

What is the latest sit report on worms and wheels?
Ticker seems to do something but I can't get any output out of it.
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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by ArtF »

Hi Dave:

If you make a worm gear combination, just select each mode with ctrl-left click so it is selected and use the export model
selection. You should get a message it is being exported. The next version of Ticker will have more options, proper
meshing and physics simulations. While it will be awhile before all that is done, I will likely release an interim version
to allow people to print planetary's which have also been added. It has proven quite complex to make physics constraints
realistic to how gears operate so I'm being very slow on this release. I am up to the stage of meshing objects to create
a working physical machine, once thats done I will probably release before I add all the toys, calculators and such..

Merry XMas..

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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by dfmiller »

Thanks Art,
That got me going.
It took a little looking but finally found the output in the Shafts folder. :-)
Thanks for the great programs you keep on turning out.
Merry Xmas, Take Care
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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by ArtF »

Take care, enjoy the holidays..

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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by dfmiller »

I seem to be having an issue with the STL for the pinions for the worm.
Its does not slice properly in Prusa slicer and with an online viewer seems strange.
Any ideas? It almost looks like it's slicing on the wrong side
I have attached screen shot form Prusa Slicer
It wont allow an STL attachment.

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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by ArtF »

Hi Dave:

As I recall there was an issue with the pinions on the worms not being fully
closed manifolds in some cases. I fixed this awhile back but I dont think its
in the released version of ticker.
I use Cura here, not prusa, but I tested a pinion just now and it sliced fine,
it may be your model is unclosed and prusa is more sensitive OR the release
version of ticker still has that pinion bug.
There are a massive amount of changes to Ticker as it stands but Im not close
to a release. However, if you reply with the module and tooth count I will
generate a pinion for you and slice it here as well as send you the model.

If that works I can send you a pre-release just to get worm models from
though many of the new physics sections are not yet ready for general

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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by dfmiller »

Hi Art,
These pictures should have all the details.
Worm wheel
Worm wheel
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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by ArtF »


It seems if I use your numbers it fails with a bug I hadnt noticed. Your collar diameter needs to be
larger than your shaft diameter. And it needs to be at least 1mm on the pinion. I will fix this in the code
. Here is the worm when the collars are proper. My Cura seems to have no issues with it..

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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by dfmiller »

Hi Art,
Now I know what what the collar is :-) That had me confused.
Armed with the new knowledge I am now able to create Pinions that I can work with.
Much appreciated.
Happy Holidays.
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Re: Worm Gear and Wheel

Post by ArtF »

You too, Merry XMas..

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