Auggie Early posts

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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by DanL »

this does look a lot easier you can read and see where the info comes from, get info from here plus math, do this with it, output G code like this. does not mean I will pick it up in weeks it very close to arduino plus the other code type I use c type stuff.

have you found any good online stuff for this code, monkey what ever art said it was called
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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by ArtF »


  There is a referance document that Ill add to the distribution, the lanbguage is very C like, so its great for arduino users, and Im pretty
sure Ill add an arduino hook so you can simply get things like Arduino.GetAnalog(1) so to fill a DRO woudl be

Interface("DRO1").curr = arduino.Analog(3);

  Thats the type of syntax it will use. To make Gcode in this type of wizard it is planned for the scripter to never
use a Gcode, you would call GCode.PeckDrill( x, y, depth, pass); Augie will worry about what kind of machine, coordinate
rotation and translation and the post the appropriuate Gcodes for the users machine. The idea is the scripter should
not have to worry about what kind of Gcode, just that is be produced.  I want scripters to worry about functionallity,
not syntax..

  I realize the difficulty in learning a scripting language, Im going to be attempting some out of the box ideas to get you
to learn with as little effort as possible. We'll see how that works out. It wont be fast, I'm trying to do this right, those of you that
can assist as we go through trials would be highly appreciated.


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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by DanL »

sounds good art, look`s like it will cover the noobs as well if I can use Arduino type stuff with it like the 32u4 boards the teenys (keyboard and mouse emulation) what I use now it would make it quite easy to make a pendent and have other useful addons.

and to get it nice and simple will be one of the hardest thing you can ever do easy is never easy to do, all the disable products I re engineer take a long time to do, to have it to a point where you can go to a hardware shop to get something that will work for a quick fix`s is quite hard and getting the cost down to make said item very low cost is not fun.
Last edited by DanL on Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by Ya-Nvr-No »

Video shows a created button panel calling Notepad and Lua scripts, and some additional control capabilities.

Here is an idea of an example function that gets data and computes a circular drilling hole pattern

Code: Select all

global  DrillBoltHoleCircle = function(gcode,x,y,z,sAngle,dia,numHoles,feed)  
//cast any value that needs to be in to a float, just in case they were passed as an integer
  x = x.Float();  // the x.Float takes the x value passed in the function and casts it to a float with the same x name
  y = y.Float();
  z = z.Float();
  sAngle = sAngle.Float();
  dia = dia.Float();

 local Gcode = gcode + feed;
 local x_center = x;
	local y_center = y;
	local StartAngle = sAngle;
	local dia = dia;
	local numberofholes = numHoles;
	local stAngle = (PI / 180) * StartAngle;
	local Xangle = cos(stAngle);
	local Yangle = sin(stAngle);
	local x = x_center + (dia / 2) * Xangle;
	local y = y_center + (dia / 2) * Yangle;
	local StepAng = (2 * PI) / numberofholes;
 	for( i = 0; i < numberofholes; i=i+1)
&nbsp; 			x = x_center + (dia / 2) * cos(stAngle + (StepAng * i));
			y = y_center + (dia / 2) * sin(stAngle + (StepAng * i));
&nbsp; 			Gcode =&nbsp; Gcode + " G1 "+ "X"+x + " Y"+y + "\r\n";
		Gcode =&nbsp; Gcode + " G80";
		Interface("BoltCircle_LABEL1").text = Gcode;

//("gcode",x,y,z,sangle,dia,numHoles,"feed") ;
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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by DanL »

nice your leaving nothing for anyone to do well I can under stand that quite well buy the time art does put out augggie there is going to be plenty of examples
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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by Mooselake »

Does this mean that we can combine Auggie and the PokeysCNC, and get rid of all that other laser software?

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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by ArtF »

Thats my hope. Most laser software is pretty bad, Im hoping to replace it with a pokeys and auggie. No DSP based panel required.
A pokeys has the capability to do everything required. But Ill post sucesses and failures as I go. Auggie already finds all Pokeys on the system,
but development stops at that point until scripting and interfaceing are properly tested and I feel we're ready for the next step of breakout baord integration.

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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by Dan »

Very interesting project, Art! Wonder where do you get all the great ideas from ;)

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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by DanL »

I don`t think art has any hobby`s o what yes he does he make`s cool stuff. Auggie may beat M4 out the gate Art if I can run all my machines with this I will be very happy
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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by ArtF »

Actually, my problem is too many hobbies. Im like a dog who keep seeing squirrels , I have to rush over. My Squirrels are when I dont
understand how something works, I find I have to write code to explain the finer points.. then I can move on.

&nbsp; For Auggie, I simply need a Laser solution, and while its true that if it drives a laser it can also drive other things, its also true
a laser doesnt need things like G42 , so it may not be appropriate for all machines. I do believe in leaving hooks though, so Im
doing my best to ensure theres places there for people to play with pretty much all the configurations and script any responce
to external stimulus.

&nbsp; I might point out though, that I embark on such things every summer and sometimes their usefull, sometimes not. Last
year was the workbench and 4th axis modules, which have proven popular, the year before I didnt end up releasing the code
I had written, but did end up releasing it as the web->3d module before this summer started. Sometimes I simply get stuck
and cannot continue till Ive been educated more, 3d took 4 years of thought and part time investigations. I cannot promise
how long Auggie will take, I hope to put at a minimum a wizarding program in the release package this fall and add motion
as I can. Auggies lucky in that I already have a great deal of code in my archive of summers past. From LazyTurn to Tempest
theres much code that can be added or modified to make Auggie usefull for someone. I highly suspect it will become an icon
on your fall desktop after installing Gearotic, my job is to see if I can make it usefull enough to entice you to run it occasionally.

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; I cant imagine a world where I find theres nothing to do , and Im gratefull people tune in to get gearotic and contribute
to its growth, we'll see where that leads. Auggie is cool and fun to play with, Ill be happy if I can add usefull to that list for
this years development season.


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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by Mooselake »

ArtF wrote:Most laser software is pretty bad, Im hoping to replace it with a pokeys and auggie. No DSP based panel required.
Based on one data point pretty bad is an understatement.

What's this DSP thing, anyway.&nbsp; Never worked on one, but my understanding is they're just a CPU with floating point and fast A/D and D/A built it, can't see where that's important for controlling a laser.

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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by ArtF »


&nbsp; Almost all the lasers seem to run on dsp's, fancy way of saying they have a firmware based control. They typically use USB or a printer
interface to control them. Which is fine for the most part, fast too, but doesnt give the flexibiity I want. I was real pleased with Darwins
way of using the laser, but I do understand its too complex to do the arduino thing for most people, so we'll see if local control withI something
like Auggie can make it better. The DSP controls on Ebay seem to be in the hundreds of dollars.. so I cant see what a Pokeys and a copy of Auggie cant
do the same job..only better, and with more control....

I suspect itd be best for non traditional cnc, like lasers, engravers, coil winders, lens grinders, 3d printers and the like..

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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by DanL »

sounds good art with the router I have to keep it simple as my dad use`s it as well so there is no fancy M or G codes used just put in G code push start, stop for tool change set it`s height re start, simple stuff only.

and I need a 3D printer so I will add a printing head and laser head to it i just use my little emco for testing as its solid as a rock

M4 is still years away
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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by bosr »

Very interesting.

Now I can do greyscale with the plasma cutter.&nbsp; ::)

One of my future projects is to make an automated bullet re-loader and case trimmer for my brother.&nbsp; You just made my life a lot easier.

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Re: Auggie Early posts

Post by ArtF »


>>One of my future projects is to make an automated bullet re-loader and case trimmer for my brother.&nbsp;

&nbsp; Now your speaking my language, thats the type of weirdness Id like to see run... If a hobbiest has a motion requirement,
Id like to see Auggi being an easy way to run it..&nbsp; Now if only creating such a program comes as easy as envisioning it.. ;)

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